Hainan Airlines
As one of the fastest growing airlines in China, Hainan Airlines is committed to providing passengers with comprehensive, seamless and high-quality service experience. Hainan Airlines is the first and only SKYTRAX 5-Star airline in mainland China, who has been awarded the SKYTRAX 5-Star Airline for 13 consecutive years since 2011. This honor is Hainan Airlines highest level of recognition for our outstanding service, and also represents praise from the majority of our passengers for our high quality services.

Point-Earning Standard



I. Award points additional information:
1. Award points earned by flights including base points, status bonus points and promotion bonus points. Award points can be used to redeem award tickets, cabin upgrades and award items.
2. Award points earned based on eligible spend and membership status while flying on all regular “HU”/”CN” flights operated by Hainan Airlines or Grand China Air.
3. Out of the total ticket price, the eligible spend can be used to calculate award points. Eligible spend includes base fare and carrier-imposed surcharges paid for your ticket, such as fuel surcharges. Government-imposed taxes and fees, such as a transportation tax, carrier-imposed fees for other products or services will not be awarded points, including but not limited to the following: ticket change fees, excess baggage fees, seat selection payments, upgrade payments, in-flight food and beverage purchases and service charges.
4. eligible spend uses the Chinese Yuan (RMB) when calculating the amount of points to be awarded. If you purchase a ticket in a different currency, the base fare and carrier-imposed surcharges will be converted to RMB and this amount will be awarded to members as points. The conversion rate of eligible spend will be based on the IATA rate on which the ticket was issued.
5. Eligible spend is treated 10 RMB as the minimum unit used when calculating award points. Therefore, portions of the eligible spend that are less than 10 RMB will be treated as 10 RMB. However, if portions of the eligible spend are less than 1 RMB, the system will round the eligible spend down to the nearest 10 RMB increment.
6. Certain specialty tickets may earn award points based on flight distance and fare class. Specific award point accrual standards are based on valid regulations at the time of product purchase.
7. Children tickets will earn award points based on eligible spend and membership status.
8. Points for segments operated by Hainan Airlines or Grand China Air and with the code “HU”/“CN” in the interline ticket will be awarded based on eligible spend and membership status. If the segment does not specify eligible spend of this segments, the eligible spend will be calculated based on the percentage of the flight distance of this segment out of the total flight distance, which will then be multiplied by the total eligible spend of the ticket including all segments.
9. You can earn up to 75,000 award points per ticket, including any membership status bonus points and excluding bonuses from applicable promotions.

II. Status qualifying points and segments additional information:
1. Status Qualifying Points (SQPs) represent a percentage of the actual miles flown (including applicable minimum mileage guarantees) based on Fortune Wings Club member airlines or partner airlines and the booking code purchased. SQPs are only used to determine membership status, not redemption.
2. Status Qualifying Segments(SQSs) are segments you earn on eligible purchased tickets for flights on affiliate member airlines or partner airlines of the Fortune Wings Club. SQSs are used to determine membership status.
3. Booking Code refers to the code indicated in the column of “CLASS” on the ticket. Please pay special attention, as it affects your SQPs and SQSs accrual.
4. SQPs are accumulated in “kilometer” and in accordance with the "Ticketed Point Mileage” (TPM) regularly published by the IATA. In case of flight distance under 500 kilometers, K will be calculated to mean 500 kilometers.
5. You can accumulate SQPs and SQSs while taking regular “HU” or “CN” flights operated by Hainan Airlines or Grand China Air.
6. Children tickets, which are 50% or 75% of the adults’ ticket price for domestic flight or regional/ international flight, could earn 50% or 75% of the SQPs according to the above point-earning standards.

III. Other information:
1. Award points, SQPs and SQSs will not be accumulated in the following situations:
(1) Taking special flights, code-sharing flights or charter flights.
(2) Taking flights not operated by the Fortune Wings Club’s member airlines or its partners.
(3) Taking flights prior to registering as a member of the Fortune Wings Club.
(4) Free tickets, Award Tickets(including Fortune Classic Award and Fortune Flex Award)
(5) Group tickets.
(6) Other tickets that Hainan Airlines or Grand China Air have specified that are not eligible to earn points.
2. Points or segments for the same flight can only be credited into one Fortune Wings Club account of one passenger.
3. In case of signing transfers to other airlines, the point-earning standard will follow the transfer contracts signed with the other airline companies.
4. Please keep your boarding pass, a copy of your ticket and partners’ bill until the points are credited onto your account.
5. The above standard is the normal standard for points accumulation. In the case of any promotion, the point-earning standard during the promotion should be subject to the standards published in the “Special Offers” section on the Fortune Wings Club’s website.
6. The Fortune Wings Club has the right to adjust the above standards at any moment. 
Click here to see historical standard

Click here to see airways of charter flights which don't accumulate points